

    Hi Wahoos Families!

    Just a little bit of information before we kick off our season........

    Stroke & Turn Judges NEEDED! Our team is in need of additional certified stroke & turn judges. Please consider attending one of the free trainings. *Stroke & Turn Judge positions are scheduled out for the entire season so you'll have an advantage of knowing your volunteer commitment well ahead of time!* Visit the MHSL-Officials Page for more information on trainings.

    Our team is also hosting a training at Laurie's house in Lone Tree on 5/15 at 7pm. Please RSVP to the event and we'll send you Laurie's address.

    Apparel Orders DUE 5/12 All apparel orders must be submitted by 5/12. Pick up apparel at the Mock Meet on 5/29 at 5pm.

    Practice *NEW* We are hoping to offer a couple of practices for new swimmers the week of 5/13. Please stay tuned for those details if your swimmer is new to the team. Practice will begin for all swimmers on 5/20. Visit our practice page for details. 

    Head Coach We are excited to announce that Morgan Edstrom, long time swimmer and assistant coach, will be our head coach this summer! Please remember any communication with the coach should be done via email (not in-person during practice as we need our coaches focused on the pool). Morgan can be reached at cookcreekwahoos.coach@gmail.com

    Mock Meet Make sure the Mock Meet is on your calendar! 5/29 at 5pm. Visit our event page to RSVP. This is an important event, especially for new families. Both swimmers and parents will participate in rotations to learn about how to prepare for a swim meet, what to do at the meet, awards after the meet, etc. 
    Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
    Tina Jewell
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